Landscaping is a cooperative project of the owners and the Association, working together. The Association provides specific landscaping services for all individual homeowners - services that can be done well and more cost effectively when performed en masse. This includes irrigation, fertilization, weed control, tree trimming, lawn mowing and hedge trimming. The homeowners provide all plant material (grass, shrubs, and trees), attend to the beds, and are responsible to remove dead or fallen trees.
In 2009, a turf recovery project was initiated. At the time, 34% of the irrigation system was non-functional, 15% or the homes had no grass, and weeds were well entrenched. The program focused on resolving three factors - extending irrigation to all homes, improving sunlight to the turf (tree trimming), and commercial fertilization and weed control.
In 2012, the community voted to amend the deed restrictions making these landscaping services a right and mandatory for all homeowners. These services are listed in Article X of the Covenants and Restrictions ("Exterior Maintenance") and are contractual obligations of the Association to all owners.
Tree Pruning
Pruning of the trees located outside of the fenced-in yard is provided by the Association. The objective is to create healthy and graceful canopies, to block the view of unsightly aspects of the community (e.g., views of the dealership, views of the backs of homes), to provide adequate light to the turf, and to protect roofs from limb damage.
This service does not to include installation or removal of trees or trees felled by storm or other reason. This service is not an "on demand " service - it is performed periodically to keep costs down. This service is managed by the board and owners are welcomed to request services. Please get on the waiting list early.

The Association provides routine irrigation and irrigation system maintenance to the front yards of each living unit.
All homes are entitled to have full coverage of the planted areas located outside of the fenced-in yard. This service is not an "on demand" service - it is performed periodically to keep costs down. Please get on the waiting list early.
Fertilization and Weed Control
The Association contracts for consistent and comprehensive fertilization and weed control from a fertilization specialty firm (e.g., Trugreen, Chemlawn, Lawn Doctor, Diamond ).
Treatments have been adjusted over the last few years in response to specific turf and weed problems.
Routine Mowing and Trimming
Routine mowing and trimming of the front yard grass, clipping of the shrubs and leaf removal is provided by the Association.
This service does not include installation or removal of landscaping trim, sod, shrubs and or bed maintenance.
Lamp Post Bulb and Eye
Owners are required to have a lit lamp post operating 365 days a year in the front yard.
In 2012 the owners voted to have the Association service both the burned out bulbs and electric eyes. The action was taken to resolve the lighting problems in the community where typically 20 - 25% of the lights were out at any given time and that the variation in light bulb type from home to home created a messy look.
Owners are responsible to keep the pole in working order and powered. If your pole needs servicing, please contact us.
Co-op Exterior Maintenance Projects
Special group purchases are made from time to time by the Association. In recent years, the Association has purchased 550 shrubs and 21 pallets of sod at wholesale and sold the plant material to owners at cost. Additionally, the Association has hosted "planting weekends" where the Association provide free labor to install bushes.