Welcome to Beverly Oaks. We hope your residency here is a good one. The majority of the homes in Beverly
Oaks are owner occupied. We want all renters to feel at home in the community and welcomed.
As a temporary resident, we ask that you become familiar with and abide by the association rules in order to stay in good standing with your neighbors.
Repairs and Services
The Association maintains individual front yards (mowing), the entrance gates and entrance landscape, the exit roadway & traffic spike system, the cul-de-sac landscaping, exterior painting, street maintenance, and enforce architectural standards and vehicle/parking control. The operating body of the Association is the a Board of Directors.
The Association own the streets, water lines, sewer lines, and the concrete perimeter fences associated with your home/lot. Please contact the homeowner for all repairs.
New Resident Registration
All Beverly Oaks residents are required to provide current contact information. Please register or update your information as it changes.

Postal Service
The Community Mail and Package Delivery Center is located at 2023 Wilshire (middle door). The center is open in the late afternoon and early evening and can be accessed after hours using the keypad. Please contact the Association for the current pass code.
Renters Insurance Required
All resident renters are required to have renters insurance (download information) and provide proof to the Homeowners Association. Please fax to (800) 639-2434.
Community Rules - Vehicles
No boats, trailers, trucks, campers or commercial vehicles shall be parked or maintained in the Properties. Commercial vehicle is defined as any vehicle that has a commercial registration, or displays signage. This restriction shall not restrict trucks or commercial vehicles making pickups or deliveries to or in the Properties, nor shall this restriction prohibit trucks or commercial vehicles within the Properties which are necessary for the construction of residential dwellings or maintenance of the Common Properties.
All streets of the subdivision are twenty two (22) feet wide fire lanes and are marked as such- Vehicles parked within the fire lanes shall be subject to ticketing and/or towing.
Visitor parking spaces (24 total) are marked as such and shall be used only by visitors- someone that is on property fewer than 10 days a year. Parking is for a maximum of 12 hours. Vehicles parked in violation of the rules shall be subject to ticketing, towing, or booting (approximately $300 to receive a release).
No inoperable motor vehicles, vehicles with out current registration and state inspection stickers, are permitted on The Property unless stored in the garage of a Living Unit. Vehicles cannot be repaired on The Property, unless repaired in the garage of a Living Unit with the door closed.
Community Rules - Pets
In the City of Irving, it is unlawful for an owner to allow his or her dog's feces to remain in any public place or another person's private property. Sec. 6-6
It is unlawful for anyone to harbor or keep on his or her premises or in or about premises under his or her control, any animal which by loud or unusual barking or howling, or by noise of any type, causes the peace and quiet of the occupants of a surrounding property to be disturbed. Sec. 6-5
A person shall not breed dogs or cats unless the person has a permit. Sec. 6-8
It is unlawful for the owner or harborer of an animal to fail to prevent it from running at large within the city. At large includes any animal which is not physically and continually restrained by some person, by means of a leash or chain of proper strength and length to preclude the animal from making unsolicited contact with any person, their clothing, their property, and/or their premises. Sec. 6-2
A person commits an offense if he owns any dog or cat over four (4) months of age without having such dog or cat currently vaccinated against rabies. Sec. 6-4
A person commits an offense if he owns any dog or cat over four (4) months of age without having such dog or cat currently registered with the City of Irving. Sec. 6-4
A person shall not breed dogs or cats unless the person has a permit. Sec. 6-8
Any dog or cat may be impounded by the animal services manager in any of the following circumstances. Sec. 6-14
All residents shall assume full responsibility for any personal injuries or property damages caused by any animals which are in their personal care.
All responsibility of animals of visitors shall rest with the Owner or Resident of the living unit visited.
Community Rules - Facility
All living units shall have a working lamp post in the yard that is illuminated from dusk to dawn.
No garbage, refuse, rubbish or cuttings shall be deposited on any street, road or Common Properties and not on any Lot unless placed in a manner that complies with the collection requirements of the City of Irving. Trash should not be put out earlier than 8 PM of the day prior to collection with the exception of brush and limbs which shall not be put out earlier than 5 days before collection. Trash collection is Monday (trash) and Thursday (trash, recycle, bush). For more information call the Public Health and Environmental Services at 972.721.2346.
Units are zoned and intended for residential use only. Commercial activity such as business offices, storage of inventory, garage workshops, and the storage of commercial tools or vehicles shall not be permitted.
Residents shall exercise reasonable care to avoid making or permitting to be made loud, disturbing objectionable noises. This shall include use of any musical instrument, power tool, radio, sound equipment, television or any other equipment which would cause or tend to cause any objectionable noise or would interfere with reception of television or radio signals.
Any window coverings which are visible from the common areas shall be neutral colors (preferably beige or white). No window shall be covered with aluminum foil or similar material.
No driveways, entrance or passageways which are common properties shall be obstructed or used by any Owner or lessee for any purpose other than ingress and egress to their residence.
No play equipment, swing sets, trampolines, basket ball goals and any other play equipment shall be permanently located anywhere but at the rear of the house.
No structures that will be visible to an adjacent Lot are permitted without the consent of the immediate neighbors.
No yard signs will exceed a customary and conventional size as to detract from the overall appearance the Property. Only signs for the purpose of selling, renting, or protection of the house and placed on the ground are permitted. Campaign signs shall be limited to one per candidate per Lot and removed the day after voting is complete.
No clotheslines, drying yard, service yards, woodpiles or storage areas shall be so located as to be visible from a street or Common Properties.
No exterior lighting installed on any Lot shall be either indirect or of such controlled focus and intensity as to disturb the residents of the adjacent property.
All leases or rental agreements for Living Units shall be in writing and specifically subject to this Declaration, the Association Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. No Living Unit may be leased or rented for a period of less than six months. A copy of a the residential lease must be provided to the Association upon request.