Fraser Photinia, Red Tip
A fast growing, large leaf, shrub that shows red shoots ("red tips") in the spring.
This plant is commonly used as a corner plant in hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located on the east side of the community garages.
Dwarf Burford Holly
A slow growing, dark green medium-sized leaf. Female plants have red berries several months a year.
This plant is the most common hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located at 1901 Brentwood.
Glossy Abelia
A fast growing, small pointed leaf shrub with white flowers several months a year.
This plant is commonly used in hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located at 1915 Wilshire.
Nandina Compact
A slow growing cane plant - green during the summer, red during the winter.
This plant is occasionally used in hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located at 1520 Brentwood.
Japanese Boxwood
A slow growing, small dark green leaf shrub.
This plant is occasionally used in hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located at 1504 Brentwood Drive.
Variegated Pittosporum (Orange)
A fast growing, medium sized pale green leaf with white edgings.
This plant is occasionally used in hedge lines in Beverly Oaks. An example of this plant is located on the west side of 1501 Brentwood.
Italian Cypress
A fast growing (2-3 ft a year), evergreen.
This plant is occasionally used as a corner plant in Beverly Oaks where there are high roof lines. An example of this plant is located on the north side of 100 Wilshire Ct.
The Italian Cypress grows in a columnar fashion, practically reaching straight up without ever growing very wide. When they reach the height you want, just cut the top.